I’m delighted to be picking up the pen to keep you all informed about the progress of our MedTech regulatory reform programme, and other priorities in the MHRA Innovative Devices team, with this February MedRegs blog. Laura Squire’s departure at …
Welcome to the March issue of the Med Tech Regulatory Reform blog series. As the leader of a team which includes many talented female scientists, I am particularly delighted to be publishing this at the start of British Science …
I remember first hearing about the shared commitment to public involvement when it was announced. I was working in a research department of a hospital, experiencing first-hand how people’s lived experience could drive more inclusive and meaningful health and social …
Large Language Models (LLMs), including ChatGPT and Bard, offer great potential to mimic human conversation. LLMs only directed toward general purposes and whose developers make no claim that the software can be used for a medical purpose are unlikely to …
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is playing a fundamental role helping to ensure that the UK remains one of the best places in the world to deliver safe, cutting-edge research. Part of this work is the recently-launched combined …
On 31 August 2021 we launched new systems functionality to support the combined review of Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products, or “CTIMPs”. For those unfamiliar, the combined review service (previously known as ‘combined ways of working’) offers a single …
If there was ever a day to reflect on the value of clinical research it is today. The past year has shown more than any other that, quite simply, clinical research saves lives. And UK clinical research has been at …
Since its launch in 2012 MHRA's Innovation Office has proved a popular resource with not-for-profit organisations and companies alike. We offer a free and confidential regulatory advice service that is tailored to the needs of each individual who contacts us …
Biological medicines, such as vaccines, have long been among the most important medicines available in preventing killer diseases. Increasingly, newly developed biological medicines will play an important role in global healthcare, opening up many new possibilities for the treatment of …